Saturday, March 17, 2012

Vintage Bachelor's Button Seed Packets

Bachelor's Button, also known as cornflowers, were often worn by young men in love and was the favorite flower of John F. Kennedy.  In fact, John F. Kennedy, Jr. wore one at his wedding in honor of his father.

Bachelor's button used to grow wild in the crop fields in the United Kingdom but are now endangered mostly because of the over use of herbicides.  Fifty years ago there were 268 sites where they grew wild and that number has dwindled down to just three sites.  The conservation charity, Plantlife, has named it as one of the 101 plant species it will work on to bring "back from the brink".

Because the cornflower was introduced to the rest of the world in seed form it thrives in gardens all over the world.  Thank goodness, because it is such a lovely little flower!

Here is a vintage seed packet of the pink variety

Click on image to download

And the red variety

Click on image to download

Bachelor's button are very easy to grow and come in a gorgeous blue color as well.  It flowers from June until August.

Bachelor's Button is edible and often used to add color to salads.  It is also an ingredient in Twinings Lady Grey blend tea.


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